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Kairos & Heart Consulting's Grounding Principles

  1. Joy is abundant.

  2. Meaningful relationships fuel transformative work. ​​

  3. Sharing power expands results. 

  4. There are multiple ways of knowing.

  5. Different design choices are always available.

  6. Co-creating requires ujima: collective work and responsibility. 

  7. Realistic work plans, creativity, and an asset-based approach help mitigate harmful characteristics of white supremacy culture: perfectionism, sense of urgency, and either/or thinking. 

  8. Rest is revolutionary. Kairos & Heart observes a four-day work week, reserving Fridays for creative pursuits.

Businesswoman with Tablet

Strategic Planning

  • Guided process to identify new pathways for organizational and programmatic impact

  • Stakeholder interviews and focus groups

  • Facilitated design sessions

Philanthropic Advising

  • Support donors in unlocking capital by provoking creative thinking and generative inquiry

  • Conduct research on values-aligned opportunities

Business People Talking

Board Development

  • Governance assessments

  • Retreat design and facilitation

  • Board chair and executive director coaching

  • Governance model restructuring

Storage containers for art and craft


  • Customized meetings and retreats to advance organizational priorities and promote teambuilding


"Though Makiyah and I met while she was driving our strategic planning process at Supermajority, she quickly became much more than a consultant -- she became a mentor, co-conspirator, and friend. Her steadfast commitment to directness, clarity, creativity, and empathy helped me grow as a leader all the while also supporting our co-founders and leadership team to develop a comprehensive four year roadmap. The relationship between a client and a consultant can be a bit complicated. Of course it's helpful to get advice from someone external, but the tradeoff is that folks who sit outside of the organization don't always feel like they have skin in the game. That is what always felt magical about Makiyah -- she was all in. Her commitment to Supermajority and our success was evident. She drank the kool-aid AND helped make it taste sweeter."

Taylor Salditch

Executive Director, Supermajority

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We collaborate with mission-minded enterprises to enlarge their territories by seizing new possibilities and making shift happen.



We envision a world where all thrive, experience joy, and justice is real.

© 2021 by Kairos and Heart, LLC. All rights reserved.

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